At workplaces of Höldur ehf, there might be surveillance cameras that record video footage in common indoor areas, as well as the exterior shell of the company’s buildings, parking lots, and premises. This monitoring with cameras is an important part of ensuring safety and protecting Höldur´s assets. Digital monitoring is conducted according to the laws of personal data protection and processing, Law No. 90/2018
The responsible party for the surveillance is: Höldur ehf, phone +354 461 6000,
The data protection officer responds to inquiries about electronic surveillance at
The purpose of electronic surveillance is for security and protection of assets, including monitoring vehicles and other equipment in buildings, parking lots, or grounds of Höldur´s premises.
Legal basis for processing: The surveillance is carried out based on the legitimate interests of Höldur for property and safety protection, as per Article 9 of Icelandic Law No. 90/2018.
Types of personal information: The use of surveillance cameras is in accordance with regulation No. 50/2023 on electronic surveillance. Video footage created during surveillance, show individuals who have passed through the monitored area and their activities.
Recipients: Only those authorized and needing it for their work have access to the recorded footage. Footage is only reviewed, if necessary, like in the event of an accident or suspected criminal activity. Footage containing information about accidents or criminal activities can also be handed over to the police. Additionally, content may be handed over to an insurance company if necessary for an insurance case.
Storage period of footage: Footage is kept for up to 30 days and is deleted after that time. However, recordings may be stored longer if necessary to define, present, or defend a claim in legal proceedings or other such legal necessities. If footage is handed over to the police, other copies of the material are deleted.
Individual rights: You have the right to view footage where you are visible. You also have the right to obtain a copy of such footage if it does not infringe on the rights and freedoms of others. Otherwise, your rights are governed by Chapter III of Law No. 90/2018 ofpersonal protection and processing of personal information, and further details in Chapter III of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority: Those subject to digital surveillance have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority if they believe that the processing of their personal data violates data protection laws.
Further information can be found in Icelandic Law No. 90/2018 on data protection and processing of personal information and Regulation No. 50/2023 on electronic surveillance. The data protection officer of Höldur answers inquiries at